Woohoo - thanks for filling out that questionnaire!

The steps below will outline what you should expect next so we can help you get headed in the right direction!!


Watch this video! (ignore at your own risk)

Thanks for watching!!


Let’s Chat!

A member of the Strength in Harmony team will be reaching out soon to get your consultation call booked, so be on the lookout for that message.

Our call will be set up via Zoom to dive deeper into what you are looking to accomplish & what’s been holding you back. This 45-60 min. call will help us assess if, mutually, Strength in Harmony would 100% be a great fit for you!

If so…GREAT - we would love to invite into the SIH Family! If not, that’s okay too. We’ll still point you in the right direction, send you some awesome resources, or maybe even refer you to a team that would be a better fit. Either way, by the end of our call we’ll get you pointed in the right direction.


Check out a few of these incredible client transformations & learn more about their stories over on our Instagram page @strengthinharmony_