Woohoo - thanks for filling out that questionnaire!
The steps below will help prepare you for your call & ensure that you receive as much value as possible from it.
Watch this video! (ignore at your own risk)
Thanks for watching!!
If we haven’t scheduled a call YET - we will be reaching out shortly to get that scheduled, so be on the lookout for a message from us.
For your call, please be in a quiet spot with great wifi where we can chat more about your goals & challenges. (Please do NOT be in the car or driving - we will be unable to take your call)
If, by the end of the call, we mutually feel like this is a great fit & that our program will help you CRUSH your goals - we will invite you into the SIH family!
Chat soon!
What to expect.
You will be meeting with a Strength in Harmony team member via Zoom to dive deeper into what you are looking to accomplish & any challenges you are facing. This 45-60 min. call will help us assess if we would 100% be a great fit for you!
Please have Zoom downloaded & hop on the Zoom link provided to you via email at the time of your scheduled call.